Is lane splitting legal in oregon. Lane splitting is illegal in Oregon, but there is currently legislation on the table to make it legal. Is lane splitting legal in oregon

 Lane splitting is illegal in Oregon, but there is currently legislation on the table to make it legalIs lane splitting legal in oregon Where is Lane-splitting legal? California is currently the only state where lane splitting isn't illegal

If you lane-filtered past an LEO in these jurisdictions, they won’t even look at you twice. This Friday, the Governor’s Advisory Committee on Motorcycle Safety will meet in North Portland to discuss lane-splitting by motorcycles. There are a few reasons why lane splitting is legal in some states. Lane filtering is also illegal in Georgia, though there have been many. That's why lane splitting is legal. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email. . After our governor vetoed the Oregon lane splitting bill I notice a massive increase in lane splitting Reply reply GTAIVisbest • WA state here, same thing happened after 5622 went through testimony at a committee and then disappeared. The law does not apply in school zones or work zones. In 2016, however, lane-splitting became 100% legal – not without limitations, but legal nonetheless. Lane filtering Rights and duties of person riding motorized wheelchair on bicycle lane or path 814. But many folks have long seen lane splitting as a gray area. Is Lane Splitting Legal in Oregon? No. If you lane-filtered past an LEO in these jurisdictions, they won’t even look at you twice. For example, lane splitting in Hawaii is illegal because of narrow roads, but motorcycle riders can pass on the shoulder lane if traffic is at a standstill. States where modified versions of lane-splitting have been legalized: Utah; From the distribution presented above, it appears that California is the only state where lane-splitting is declaredly legal. The study also found that compared with other motorcyclists, those who lane-split were more likely to ride on weekdays and during commute hours, use better helmets, and drive slower, and they were less likely to have been drinking alcohol. As of 2021, lane splitting is legal in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Texas. According to the state government, lane splitting for motorcycles reduces traffic jams and improves roadway safety. , Ste 668, San Francisco, CA 94104 and at 3140 Chapman St. Lane splitting is legal in some states, and illegal in others. Lane splitting is a motorcycle maneuver in which a rider passes between lanes of stopped or slow-moving traffic. In these states, lane splitting is. It is illegal in all other states. FREE Case Review (866) 588-0600. A. Learn view hither. In Utah, the state allows lane splitting, but. Lane splitting contains several of. 512 Unlawful operation of motor assisted scooter 814. Ian Turner March 28,. Learn in which states lane splitting is legal. In fact, large western states lead the nation in legislation allowing lane filtering and lane splitting by motorcyclists. The practice is also legal in some European countries, such as Spain, Italy, and France. Oregon 'lane splitting' bill would allow motorcyclists to travel between lanes of traffic. Oregon. This measure would permit motorcyclists to filter between lanes of traffic on. bout_357 • 2 yr. Motorcyclists are significantly less likely to be injured or killed if they're. Where is Lane-splitting legal? California is currently the only state where lane splitting isn't illegal. Lane splitting is pending legislation in Oregon. There’s been a lot of talk about lane splitting recently. This means that SB 5378 is an interesting lane-splitting effort, and it mimics what we have seen in Oregon, where a lane-splitting bill is currently making its way through the legislature. Bill to allow ‘lane splitting’ by motorcyclists clears Oregon Legislature. 7. California. If passed. On the road when a rider sees a stopped car and decides to change lanes without thoroughly looking at cars in the other lanes, it can cause accidents. Legal. of limited lane sharing in Oregon", adding that “lane splitting, as legally practiced in California and under certain conditions (at 50 mph or less; speed differential of 15 mph or less), does not appear to create undue risk. Some argue that it is dangerous because it gives motorcycles less space to maneuver. There is a red light on the rear, a white license plate light, a mirror and a horn. Lane filtering is legal in CA. By Jensen Beeler 05/25/2015 19 Comments. This is commonly referred to as “ lane splitting . . Motorcycle lane splitting is broadly legal in California, and legal in Utah, Arizona and Montana under specific circumstances. According to Oregon Vehicle Code ORS 814. However, since splitting lanes is not preferred, is it really worth the risk? Although due to safety concerns. The Oregon Senate is scheduled to vote Wednesday on a bill that would allow motorcyclists to ride between lanes of vehicles under certain conditions. A bill making lane splitting legal in Massachusetts was introduced in 2017 for the first time. The other vehicles must be fully stopped, and you can’t go any faster than 45 mph. Lane splitting is specifically illegal, and the Washington State Patrol goes so far as to say motorists should call 911 and report ‘aggressive motorcycles’ if they observe riders splitting lanes. Arizona. According to the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, state law does not explicitly address lane splitting but prohibits lane sharing. Sharing a lane with a car while passing them is commonly known as "lane splitting" and is not legal in Oregon. Motorists should not take it upon themselves to discourage motorcyclists from lane splitting. Twenty-nine states have laws prohibiting lane splitting, though many are reconsidering their stance. ”. A few months ago, Utah became the first state to legalize lane filtering on paper. There, motorcyclists can lane split, with a recommendation to not split lanes over 30 mph. Oregon 'lane splitting' bill would allow motorcyclists to travel between lanes of traffic. The Phoenix New Times reports that. Weaving between slower-moving traffic or stuck vehicles is referred to as lane filtering. It can be dangerous, requiring advanced riding skills, and can lead to accidents. In January 2017, the aptly-named State Senator Jeff Kruse ® introduced Senate Bill 385, which would have allowed lane splitting in Oregon, if the rider was on a roadway marked for at least 50 mph in traffic moving slower than 10 mph. Currently, California is the only state where motorcycle lane-splitting is legal, though other states are considering laws that would legalize the practice. Additional legislation is being considered in a handful of other states including Oregon. This practice is common in other states but is legal in only some of them, not including Florida. Lane splitting is against the law in all the U. 240. If this concept. The legislative and law enforcement advice that follows this list does not mention lane splitting or suggest laws be changed with regard to lane splitting. The traffic laws in Utah and Hawaii allow a modified version of lane splitting. Lane splitting is against the law in all the U. Motorcycles. The Oregon state senate is taking another crack at a lane splitting bill in 2021. Oakland, CA 94601. For instance, in 2020, Oregon and Washington introduced bills to allow lane splitting under certain conditions. CHP Lane Splitting Guidelines: The original California Highway Patrol Lane Splitting General Guidelines: “Lane splitting in a safe and prudent manner is not illegal in the state of California. Holding an open forum at 6:30 PM tonight in Portland, the Oregon Governor’s Advisory Committee for Motorcycle Safety is considering a recommendation. San Antonio: 210-874-2615; Austin: 512-520-0221;. Lane filtering, the stop-light solution Team Oregon is "neutral on the concept of limited lane sharing in Oregon", adding that “lane splitting, as legally practiced in California and under certain conditions (at 50 mph or less; speed differential of 15 mph or less), does not appear to create undue risk. Gjelten September 4, 2023, 3:38 pmI’m still upset that the governor vetoed the Oregon lane splitting bill. In Oregon, the state legislature passed a movement to allow motorcyclists to. However, if the rider also engages in other risky driving behaviors, such as reckless driving, illegal passing, driving on the shoulder, or speeding, police may assess additional fines. Some have laws that specifically allow it, others have pending legislation, some have no laws, and others make it illegal. According to the American Motorcyclist Association's website, every state except California bans the practice of lane splitting. Oregon. You're just being a nuisance if you're going more than ~20mph over the rate of traffic and going to get yourself killed. It’s the fourth time that one of the state’s legislative bodies has brought such a bill to the table. In 2020, Senate Bill 5254 was reintroduced and is still pending. California currently allows lane splitting under different circumstances than Oregon’s proposed law, as does Montana. It continues to be a contentious and often confusing issue, with legitimate arguments on both sides. Oregon 'lane splitting' bill would allow motorcyclists to travel between lanes of traffic. Oregon 'lane splitting' bill would allow motorcyclists to travel between lanes of traffic. Another bill permitting the practice was passed in Oregon. Lane splitting has been legal in California for many years. If passed, Senate Bill 422 would make it legal for a motorcycle or moped to lane split under certain circumstances. These states are considering lane filtering or lane splitting regulation changes. LANE SPLIT SAFER. where motorcycle lane splitting is legal. PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Oregon 'lane splitting' bill would allow motorcyclists to travel between lanes of traffic. Although referred to the Oregon State Senate Transportation Committee, the bill has since apparently languished – there has not been a hearing. Lane splitting can leave you vulnerable to the unexpected and reduces your space cushion. Lane filters are not allowed on the road shoulder or in highway work zones. Splitting lanes when traffic slows down is not only allowed, it’s encouraged. Senate Bill 422 would make it legal for a motorcycle or moped to lane split under certain circumstances. In 1987, before the law was passed, 77 percent of motorcyclist fatalities involved victims over the age of 21, with 69 percent of those injured over the age of 21. Someday, lane splitting may become legal in Oregon. Brewer vetoed a. Senate Bill 422 would make it legal for a motorcycle or moped to lane split under certain circumstances. This is illegal in Oregon and can be dangerous. S. Szeliga said that the practice may help alleviate traffic congestion. Lane splitting is legal in a number of states in the US. Lori Shepler/Los Angeles Times. The rider may travel no more than 20 mph – it’s not. Lane splitting is illegal in the following states: Alabama. Jerry Brown recognized lane splitting in 2016 when he signed a bill into law. Lane sharing consists of lane splitting and lane filtering. Instead, the DMV has three guidelines on how to lane-split safely. Opening a vehicle door to impede a motorcyclist is illegal. Recent Developments. His offices are located at 235 Montgomery St. Legislative bodies in Washington, Oregon, Texas, Nevada and Tennessee have already considered, proposed or voted on lane-splitting laws. Utah allows a similar concept when traffic is. Operators may not transport or carry any object that interferes with their ability to hold the handlebars. Bill, Lane Sharing, Lane Splitting, Legislation. The only problem is the amendment has been diluted so much in the legislative process that it’s eliminate. C. have extensive experience in building strong defenses to avoid costly fines and jail time. The state of Oregon issues titles to all. The Oregon House Committee on Transportation and Economic Development put a stop to what looked like a promising endeavor to make lane splitting legal in the state. Ontario needs laws to allow lane filtering/splitting and then it is up to the rider to decide when filter and when not to. SB574 passed a vote in the House of Representatives on May 17, and now it’s just waiting on final signature from the governor. This subsection shall not apply to motorcycles operated two abreast in a single lane. The issue of lane splitting was ultimately decided by the legislature, and at the moment, lane splitting is legal in Hawaii, but riders should be cautious. So recent that even the official DMV page still hasn't been updated. Oregon has the same speed limitations as the others. Though North Carolina law does not specifically prohibit lane splitting, the. Finally, after years of dithering, Oregon has legalized lanesplitting. This method is formally acknowledged as authorized solely within the state of California. California. Gov. All other states have either banned lane splitting or. Lane splitting is illegal in most states, but is common in California. A motorcycle may share a lane only with one other motorcycle. In January 2017, the aptly-named State Senator Jeff Kruse ® introduced Senate Bill 385, which would have allowed lane splitting in Oregon, if the rider was on a roadway marked for at least 50 mph in traffic moving slower than 10 mph. While lane splitting is dangerous, a 2015 study found motorcycle riders who split lanes in congested traffic are considerably less likely to be hit from behind by other drivers, suffer head or body injuries , or incur fatal injuries . You need to follow specific guidelines. In these states, the legality of lane splitting is ambiguous and often subject to interpretation by law enforcement. In April, 2022, Arizona became the third state to allow lane filtering and this law went into effect in September, 2022. 1 (a) was added to the California Vehicle Code. Still, as a motorcycle rider, I'm upset that the governor vetoed the lane splitting bill though. 608 of the Revised Code of Washington , which specifically states lane splitting and lane sharing. No, absolutely do not "send it" between cars. (Senate Bill 1273) Arkansas. A similar bill passed in 2021 but was vetoed by then-Gov. Gjelten September 4, 2023, 3:38 pm I lane split as necessary, which is to say, given a choice between safety (mine and that of others) and what is technically legal, I'm going to choose the safest path every time. ”. Modified Lane Splitting Passes in Washington. Lane splitting is not legal, nor in a grey area, it’s now “allowable”! If AB 51 makes lane splitting a law, how will it be enforced?. Lane splitting is illegal in Oregon, but there is currently legislation on the table to make it legal. Proponents of lane splitting state the Hurt Report of 1981 reached the conclusion that lane splitting improves motorcycle safety by reducing rear end crashes. 2013 saw two lane splitting bills in Oregon, as previously reported here. California is the only state to permit lane splitting by legislation. Oregon is currently considering House Bill 2314, which would legalize a regulated form of lane splitting. Lane filtering is allowed in Arizona, but only in certain conditions. Oregon 'lane splitting' bill would allow motorcyclists to travel between lanes of traffic. Risks of Lane Splitting. Lane splitting is a hot topic for many motorcyclists and state legislators right now. As of 2022, some states have legalized lane splitting. But Senate Bill 422 would legalize it. Assembly Bill No. According to an Oregon Legislature analysis, there are 11. S. Senate Bill 422 passed the Senate Tuesday, 27-2. Washington. states. converters on bikes were not common. Lane splitting is not allowed in Oregon, nor is passing on the right using the shoulder. The 4-year-old law permits motorcycles to move between stopped vehicles on roads with a posted speed limit of 45 mph or less. Lane filtering is illegal in Puerto Rico by law, but culturally accepted even by the municipal and state police. Lane splitting is only permitted in the state of California. Lane splitting, also referred to as filtering, is the act of driving a motorcycle, scooter, or moped between lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. Their website states: “California law does not allow or prohibit motorcycles from passing other vehicles proceeding in the same. There Are Pros and Cons to the Concept of Lane Splitting. No Lane Splitting For Oregon – SB 541 & HB 3310 Both Dead Posted on July 19, 2013 by Surj Gish — 11 Comments ↓ 2013 saw two lane splitting bills in Oregon, as previously reported here. The bill in question, Assembly Bill No. The 2016 rule allows motorcycles to travel between lanes at speeds up to 10 mph, provided that traffic is moving at 30 mph or less. — The Oregon Senate on Tuesday passed a bill that would allow motorcyclists and people who ride mopeds to weave in and out of traffic in certain circumstances. Motorcycle lane splitting is broadly legal in California, and legal in Utah, Arizona and Montana under specific circumstances. “It is very safe as long as you are keeping your speed reasonable compared to the surrounding traffic,” said Nick Haris, a lobbyist for the group. Laws are somewhat divided about motorcycle lane splitting, and specifics vary based on the state. Lane Splitting Controversies. [6] Furthermore, when crashes do occur while lane splitting, the injuries are far less severe with: 60% fewer fatal injuries[2] 47% fewer head injuries[2] 34% fewer torso. Reply. California is the only state in America to make white lining legal officially. Oregon’s Red Light Law. You can consider it legal as there has been no mention of lane splitting in the Arkansas law. Kate Brown. The bill would allow motorcyclists to travel between lanes on multi-lane highways. The land where it hails in June and moss grows on all sides of trees. . House Bill 4122 makes some amendments to the Transportation Code that directly address motorcycles. Bill 5623, which allows motorcyclists to pass very slow or stalled traffic, passed by the Washington State Senate on March 7. S. However, research out of UC Berkeley suggests that lane splitting is relatively safe when traffic is moving under 50mph and the rider is not exceeding the speed of traffic by more than 15mph. Kentucky, like the other remaining states, does not mention lane splitting in any traffic. Recent Developments. Washington. If the bill passes, motorcyclists will legally drive between cars at ten mph or more if traffic moves at ten mph or slower. Lane splitting occurs when a motorcyclist passes one or more vehicles in the area between two lanes, often the area of the road where the road line is painted. Some of those circumstances include, if the motorcycle is on a highway with a speed limit over 50 mph and traffic is moving slower than 10 mph. The answer is yes. Lane splitting is legal in some states, while it is illegal in others. Utah and Montana have legalized it more recently, although the exact parameters differ somewhat from state to state. Lane splitting is legal in some states, while it is illegal in others. Lane-splitting is currently illegal in Maryland. Its legality has been murky. Lane splitting is risky and might cause motorcycle accidents. Lane splitting gives them a fighting chance in traffic most motorcycle crashes occur from getting rear ending. Some confusion surrounding lane-splitting still exists in Texas. The HB2314 suggests that lane splitting be made legal on highways with a posted speed limit of 50 miles per hour or more, in situations when traffic is moving at 10. You run a major risk in receiving a ticket if you lane split outside of California so ride with caution. Oregon 'lane splitting' bill would allow motorcyclists to travel between lanes of traffic. Lane splitting, however, is prohibited. Senate Bill 629 was recently introduced in Connecticut, and lawmakers are currently discussing legalizing lane splitting and filtering. California recommends only splitting lanes when traffic is slow, and you keep your speed within 10 mph of surrounding traffic. All other states have either banned lane splitting or simply have no laws dealing with the problem. Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Oregon, and Texas are some of the states. The American Motorcyclist Association quietly released an updated position on lane splitting in early November. If passed, Senate Bill 422 would make it legal for a motorcycle or moped to lane split under certain. Lane splitting is a common practice among motorcycle riders, even though it is not always legal. 22. During a traffic jam or slow-moving traffic bike riders usually split lanes to move past the traffic congestion. 510 Application of vehicle laws to motor assisted scooters 814. Lane splitting is a driving approach the place a motorcyclist rides between rows of stopped or shifting autos in the identical lane. Nevada nearly succeeded in legalizing it and Oregon is looking into similar legislation. Don't travel more than 10mph faster than. In California, for example, DMV highlights that there is no law blocking motorcyclists from lane splitting. It is also known as “white lining” or “striping. In 2013, a study also found that lane-splitting is practiced by 36% of California Motorcyclists. In Oregon, a proposition to make lane splitting legal, has been introduced to the Speaker’s desk and is currently in discussion. Other Oregon Motorcycle Laws. 51. Utah followed suit in 2019. Lane Filtering – Utah was the first state to allow lane filtering in 2019. Washington. Generally, most agree that driving in between lanes of traffic is a dangerous act that can lead to unsafe driving conditions for everyone on the road. Motorcyclists and operators of other motor vehicles share the road and should know how to do so safely. Proponents said the bill was a compromise from past attempts to legalize lane splitting in Oregon and drew a distinction between the proposal and the law in California, where riders can travel in. A 2010 Oregon Department of Transportation report found that lane-splitting, also known as lane-sharing, could reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as congestion. Since Hawaii’s. It basically boils down to a case-by-case basis. Lane filtering, also known as lane splitting or lane sharing, where motorcycles share lanes with cars and trucks to reduce traffic congestion, is a widespread practice around the world. For instance, it’s legal in California but illegal in some other states. However, there are signs of a move to make lane sharing legal. In states where lane splitting is illegal, motorcyclists may be subject to fines or other punishments for breaking the law. 61. Regarding our main question: Which is higher risk - staying in my lane or splitting/filtering? The 2013 study Lane Splitting on California Freeways concludes the lane-splitting contributes little to crash risk. Kate Brown vetoes bill allowing ‘lane splitting’ by Oregon motorcyclists. Riding on the shoulder of a road or freeway is. There are 10 states where it's not specifically legal or banned. DMV - Transportation Safety Office. Utah and Montana have legalized it more recently, although the exact parameters differ somewhat from state to state. These are: Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Oregon, and Texas. S. The legislative and law enforcement advice that follows this list does not mention lane splitting or suggest laws be changed with regard to lane splitting. THE LEGAL DEFINITION OF LANE SPLITTING. Gjelten September 4, 2023, 3:38 pm E. In Nevada, motorcycle lane splitting is legal and allowed, but there are certain rules and regulations that must be followed. The Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC) has not taken an official position on the issue of lane splitting and lane filtering in Canada. The Final Word. Again, lane splitting refers to the practice of driving a motorcycle between lanes of slow-moving or stopped traffic, typically on a multi-lane road or highway during a traffic jam. Wed, 15 Nov 2023 15:04:57 GMT (1700060697194) 6791766af41e710e4b2f28893ca799d8ba95d809. This didn't explain why it should be illegal. Oregon – House Bill 2314, a proposition to make lane splitting legal, has been introduced to the Speaker’s desk and is currently in discussion. The state’s motorcyclists have been hard at work in the two years since, and have now got the State Senate to approve SB0422, which would amend ORS 814. A bill was passed in Arizona but was vetoed by their Governor. Utah followed suit in 2019. Someday, lane splitting may become legal in Oregon. . Q: Is lane sharing legal in Oregon? A: No. Lane splitting happens between two traffic lanes that are in the same direction, in moving or still traffic. Of the 50 states, only California has legalized lane splitting, and though there have been attempts to legalize it in Nevada, Texas, Washington and Oregon, it’s still a dream outside the Golden State. The offense of unlawful passing on a motorcycle or moped is currently a class B violation that can carry a maximum $1,000 penalty. Senate Bill 422 would make it legal for a motorcycle or moped to lane split under certain circumstances. California was the first state to make it legal for motorcycles to lane split back in 2016. 1905 Lana Avenue NE. Lane splitting is legal in the following states: California. The state’s Vehicle Code explicitly prohibits the practice, stating that “No person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles. Wed, 01 Nov 2023 17:50:25 GMT (1698861025757) 19e4e79b907a29f0ec8e5addca6683fd6993f415. thePunisher1220 Z 400 •. Don`t try to stay parallel, as you may push traffic into each other while drivers move to avoid you. While lane splitting allows for a faster commute and can be a convenient way…Oregon; Virginia; Washington;. Oklahoma Statute §47-11-1103 specifically forbids lane splitting or filtering for any two-wheeled motor vehicles, including motorcycles, electric bicycles, and mopeds. . Details about House Bill 1236 Proposal. Lane splitting is illegal in Oregon, but there is currently legislation on the table to make it legal. People will ended up racing between cars at 60+ because they heard from their buddy that "lane splitting" is now legal, and none of them actually know and will actually look up what the law is really for. Thu, 16 Nov 2023 02:52:52 GMT (1700103172207) 6791766af41e710e4b2f28893ca799d8ba95d809. However, motorcyclists can ride two across (tandem) in a lane. Lane splitting is legal in California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Texas, and Utah. Montana enacted their law in early 2021. Senate Bill 422 would allow motorcycle riders to travel between lanes of traffic, but only on freeways and at low speeds. Unfortunately, the bill failed to make it from the committee to the floor of the. Oregon law actually reduces the incentive for using motorcycles as a more fuel-efficient alternative. If passed as enacted, Oregon’s Senate Bill 422 would allow motorcyclists within the state to legally participate in lane filtering activities under very specific circumstances. 7 percent). ; Representatives Tim Freeman and Brian Clem introduced HB 3310 in. If passed. . If passed, Senate Bill 422 would make it legal for a motorcycle or moped to lane split under certain. Lane splitting is not legal in Oregon. Lane sharing of any kind is expressly prohibited in 34 states, including New York and Florida. In these states, lane splitting is. Specifically, the states prohibit motorcycles from passing a vehicle in the same lane and riding between lanes of traffic or rows of vehicles. If approved, the bill would allow motorcycles to travel between cars on roadways where the speed limit is 50 mph or greater and traffic is moving at ten mph or slower. Motorcycle Title Laws & VIN Verifications. Oregon. Although lane splitting is currently illegal in these areas, the laws may change in the next 12-24 months. . There are some nuances to lane splitting, lane filtering, and lane sharing. What states allow lane split? California is the only state where lane splitting is allowed. Lane splitting is the act of driving a motorcycle or scooter between two lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. ORS 814. It’s not legal or illegal. Lane sharing generally refers to two motorcyclists sharing space in the. Brown sent a letter to the House and Senate on Wednesday, May 26, informing them of her decision to veto Senate Bill 574; citing concerns about safety by the practice known as “lane splitting. where motorcycle lane splitting is legal. My personal thoughts were really. Someday, lane splitting may become legal in Oregon. A bill in Virginia, which would have allowed. This can be done either while the traffic in the adjacent lanes is stopped or moving slowly. Even though with this law it would be illegal above 10 MPH you know there would be people who are going to come flying by and splitting lanes at high speeds. Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Oregon, and Texas are some of the states. Lane splitting for motorcycles is legal in a few states in the US. Nevada State Assembly Nevada state lane splitting news Nevada State Senate opinions Oregon House of Representatives Oregon Lane Splitting News Oregon State Senate OTS Pete terHorst PSA radio. Senate Bill 422 would make it legal for a motorcycle or moped to lane split under certain circumstances. 240 is the state of Oregon’s law prohibiting lane splitting. Lane splitting is illegal in the states of Texas, Washington, Oregon, Montana, and North Dakota. PORTLAND — Earlier this month, Oregon lawmakers passed a bill that would allow motorcyclists to drive between slow or stopped traffic. While it’s a common practice in many states, only California has made this practice legal. What is lane splitting? Lane splitting, also known as white-lining or stripe riding, is the act of riding a motorcycle between lanes of traffic. errrrr, maybe “lane sharing” is a better way of putting it. Lane splitting is the practice of a motorcycle rider driving between lanes of stopped or slow-moving cars. In fact, California and Utah are the only states in the U. Lane splitting is legal in California, Oregon, and Washington. California has always “allowed” lane splitting, but only formalized this into law in 2016. The official pro-lane-splitting bill became active in California on January 1st, 2017. This is a confusing one. Schroeder's maneuver, known as lane filtering or lane splitting, was legalized in Montana two years ago, when the Legislature passed Senate Bill 9. If you see a driver sharing a lane to your right, go back. If passed, this law would provide altered legality for lane splitting. Breaking, Featured, Lane Filtering, Lane Sharing. A 2010 Oregon Department of Transportation literature review concludes that lane splitting crashes are rare even in areas where lane splitting is legal and widely practiced. ”. AMA Board Chairman Russ Ehnes and Montana lawmakers. Senate Bill was reintroduced and is still pending approval in Washington.